The college process is an opportunity for personal growth, self-reflection, 和 self-discovery.
The Sixth Form year is a time of profound change: students begin to think about leaving the 易胜博app安卓下载 community, 进入成年期, 选择一所大学. 我们意识到其中的兴奋和挑战, 和 we provide tools to help our students navigate the many paths toward college admission.
虽然结果很重要,但过程也很重要. The 大学咨询 Office focuses on discovering good matches between students 和 colleges. 我们相信这是每个学生的个人旅程. 易胜博app安卓下载大学辅导员的作用是提供支持, 指南, 和 educate students 和 their families; students come to underst和 themselves as they explore the ever-changing world of college admission.
从五年级的冬天开始, 大学辅导员举行小组信息会议, 与学生和家长单独会面, 以及家长演讲. 六年级期间, students continue with individual meetings 和 have the opportunity to talk with more than one hundred college representatives who visit Groton. 除了, families 和 students have access to the school’s computer-based college counseling program, 它提供了统计数据, 大学的搜索, 奖学金链接, 还有其他信息.