
GRACE Summer Program

GRACE促进易胜博app安卓下载课程的灵活性,帮助所有学生充分发挥潜力. For some, GRACE will accelerate access to our most advanced courses; for others, it will fill a preparation gap and provide a foundation for success. 
这个可选的为期四周的课程为GRACE学者准备了严格的高中生活, while also recognizing the importance of summer fun and recreation. 每年冬天,当前的三年级学生都会收到有关申请GRACE的信息. 


List of 1 members.

  • Photo of Cort Pomeroy

    Cort Pomeroy 

    Director of Enrollment Management, Director of GRACE

Academic Courses and Goals

By immersing themselves in only one or two subjects at a time, GRACE奖学金学生可以在短短四周内取得有意义的学业进步. 学生通常会选两门A课程,一门B课程,或者一门A和一门B课程. 偶尔可以选修两门B课程,但必须经过特别许可. A courses meet for an hour and a half each weekday; B courses meet for three hours each weekday, plus an hour on Saturday.

During free periods, 学生将有机会参加艺术和戏剧方面的丰富课程.

List of 6 items.

  • English

  • History and Social Science

    Modern Global History A: Enhance reading, writing, note-taking, and research skills in preparation for Modern Global History
  • Latin

  • Mathematics and Computer Science

    B Course: Students coming from Algebra 1, move directly into Algebra 2, skipping Geometry during the school year
  • Science

    A Course: Firm up preparation for Chemistry
  • World Languages

    中文1:涵盖中文1课程的基本主题,适用于目前正在学习中文1的学生,他们希望为中文2做准备,以及无法在中三学习中文1的学生. For this latter group, 本系会根据学生的学习进度,为学生推荐最合适的中四课程(中文一或中文二).

    中文2:涵盖中文2课程的基本主题,适用于目前正在学习中文2的学生,他们希望为中文3的学习做准备,并希望从中文1直接升到中文3. For this latter group, 本系将根据学生的学习进度,为学生推荐最合适的中四课程(中二或中三).

    法语1:涵盖法语1课程的基本主题,适用于目前正在学习法语1的学生,他们想要为法语2做准备,也适用于无法在第三阶段学习法语1的学生. For this latter group, 在GRACE结束时,院系将根据学生取得的进展,推荐最合适的四年级课程(法语1或法语2).

    法语2:涵盖法语2课程的基本主题,适用于目前正在学习法语2的学生,他们希望为法语3做准备,并希望从法语1直接升到法语3. For this latter group, 在GRACE结束时,院系将根据学生的学习进度,推荐最合适的四年级课程(法语2或法语3).

    西班牙语1 (ñ):涵盖西班牙语1课程的基本主题,适用于目前正在学习西班牙语1的学生,他们希望为西班牙语2和无法在三年级学习西班牙语1的学生提供技能支持. For this latter group, 在GRACE结束时,院系将根据学生取得的进展,推荐最合适的四年级课程(西班牙语1或2).

    西班牙语2 (ñ):涵盖西班牙语2课程的基本主题,适用于目前正在学习西班牙语2的学生,他们希望为西班牙语3做准备,并希望从西班牙语1直接升到西班牙语3. For this latter group, 在GRACE结束时,院系将根据学生取得的进展,推荐最合适的四年级课程(西班牙语2或3). 

Beyond the Classroom

In addition to enrolling in courses, 学生将体验到丰富多彩的课外活动. Groton’s Dining Hall will provide all meals, 寄宿学生将在易胜博app安卓下载学院教师的监督下住在易胜博app安卓下载宿舍.

Weekday Recreation and Entertainment
  • 下午的活动:游泳、立式桨板、网球、跑步和小组游戏
  • 校外娱乐(周三晚上):迷你高尔夫、蹦床公园、电影和保龄球
Weekend Outings
  • Amusement park
  • Whitewater rafting
  • Ziplining
  • Beach trip
  • Boston

Daily Schedule

List of 1 items.

  • Class Day Schedule

    8:00 a.m.
    Class Block
    8:30–10:00 a.m.
    Short Break
    Class Block
    10:10–11:40 a.m.
    Class Block
    12:20–1:50 p.m.
    Short Break
    Class Block
    2:00–3:30 p.m.
    Outdoor Activity
    3:45–5:00 p.m.
    5:30 p.m.
    Study Hall
    8:00–9:30 p.m.
    Evening Snack
    9:30 p.m.
    Dorm Check-In
    10:00 p.m.

How to Apply


Tuition & Financial Aid

The tuition listed below covers all expenses, including not only the academic program, but also meals, art courses, recreational programs, entertainment, and field trips.
2024 Boarding Tuition:
2024 Day Tuition:

Financial aid is available, in some cases exceeding levels allocated during the school year, 以避免项目成本影响学生参与GRACE. Once students are admitted into the GRACE program in early February, 我们将联系家长,并给予他们申请经济援助的机会.