本网站的这一部分旨在为您提供有关申请流程的清晰和完整的描述. 申请私立学校似乎是一项艰巨的任务,但我们在这里提供帮助. If you have any questions, please feel free to email our office (admission@khuonchaucanhmaihoang.com) or give us a call at (978 448 7510).
At this point, we do not have any openings for entry in the fall of 2024. If you would like to be considered in the unlikely event that an opening develops, you may apply for a position on our waiting list. Late applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.
If you would like to visit the school this spring or summer, we have group tours available which you may
在这里注册. 如果你对今年夏天的面试感兴趣,请参阅下面的信息.
Most of our interviews take place on campus 和 are preceded by a student-led tour. 想要申请2025-26学年入学的学生最早可以在今年夏天通过填写一份表格来安排校园面试
调查形式 和 then calling the admission office (978-448-7510) to make an appointment. 秋季和冬季的校园面试可以在7月下旬开始在线安排.
Applications for enrollment in the fall of 2025 are due on January 15, 2025. 申请费是50美元. 如果您的财务状况使您难以支付这笔费用,请给我们发电子邮件或给我们打电话.
Applications that arrive after the deadline will still be considered, 但我们不能保证我们会在3月10日的共同决定截止日期之前做出决定, 2025.